Impact of HIV-Related Stigma on Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence, Engagement and Retention in HIV Care, and Transition to Adult HIV Care in Pediatric and Young Adult Populations Living With HIV: A Literature Review
Factors associated with engagement in HIV care for young people living with perinatally acquired HIV in England: An exploratory observational cohort study
The HIV Empowering Adults’ Decisions to Share – UK/Uganda (HEADS-UP) study: A randomised feasibility trial of an HIV disclosure intervention for young adults with perinatally acquired HIV.
Cultural adaption, translation, preliminary reliability and validity of psychological and behavioural measures for adolescents living with HIV in Botswana: A multi-stage approach.
Prevalence and factors associated with viral non-suppression in people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Beliefs about antiretroviral therapy and their association with adherence in young people living with perinatal HIV in England: a cross-sectional analysis.
Neuropsychiatric manifestations and sleep disturbances with dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy versus standard of care in children and adolescents: a secondary analysis of the ODYSSEY trial.
Inadequate Lopinavir Concentrations With Modified 8-hourly Lopinavir/Ritonavir 4:1 Dosing During Rifampicin-based Tuberculosis Treatment in Children Living With HIV.
Does distribution of menstrual products through community-based, peer-led sexual and reproductive health services increase use of appropriate menstrual products? Findings from the Yathu Yathu trial.