An animation short explaining how HIV and HIV medicines works in the body.
Animation short made by young people living with HIV, NCB and the Science Museum.
Are you ok? An animated film made by young people living with HIV, supported by the Association for Young People’s Health.
A short film created with young people who having grown up living with HIV. The film was written from the real stories and thoughts the young people shared, and performed by actors.
UNICEF Adolescents Living with HIV: Video Tools
Adolescents Living with HIV: Condom demonstration
Adolescents Living with HIV: Talking to a child about HIV demonstration
Adolescents Living with HIV: The impact of having access to peer support
Adolescents Living with HIV: Adherence
Adolescents Living with HIV: Communication
Adolescents Living with HIV: One–to–one work with children and adolescents
Adolescents Living with HIV: Self stigma
Adolescents Living with HIV: Naming HIV
Adolescents Living with HIV: Talking to others about their HIV
Adolescents Living with HIV: Sex and Sexual health