Opportunity to join the CHIVA Trustee board
The Trustee Board:
Trustees are jointly responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of Chiva, its financial controls, and overseeing the delivery of the organisation’s aims and objectives.
The Charity Commission’s Guidance ‘The essential trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do’ identifies the main duties of a trustee to:
- Ensure the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit.
- Comply with their charity’s governing document and the law.
- Act in the charity’s best interests.
- Manage the charity’s resources responsibly.
- Act with reasonable care and skill.
- Ensure the charity is accountable.
In addition to being a registered charity, Chiva is a registered company limited by guarantee and, as such, our Trustees are also appointed as Chiva company directors.
Specific requirements of a Chiva trustee:
- Commitment to ensuring Chiva pursues its stated charitable objects and delivers its strategy, whilst ensuring that these are regularly reviewed
- Ensure Chiva adheres to the highest standards of ethical behaviour
- Ensure that the voice of Chiva’s key stakeholders, including children, young people and families living with HIV, are heard and their advice listened to
- Ensure Chiva’s impact is regularly measured and evaluated
- Ensure Chiva functions within all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and in line with its governing document, and its work is transparent and accountable
- Promote and develop Chiva in order for it to grow and maintain its public benefit and recognise the situation when it may be necessary to revise charity objectives to achieve optimum public benefit
- Ensure Chiva upholds principles of equality and diversity in every activity, including board recruitment
- Ensure that robust systems are in place for internal financial control and the protection of Chiva funds and assets
- Ensure Chiva has the proper arrangements in place for the appointment, supervision, support, appraisal and remuneration of the Chiva CEO
What do you need to bring to the role?
- Willingness to embrace and support the aims and objectives of Chiva
- Commitment to the values and ethos of Chiva
- Willingness to devote the sufficient time to Chiva in order to carry out responsibilities
- Sound, independent judgment and an ability to think creatively and the ability to make effective decisions and recommendations
- An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
- An ability to work effectively as a member of the team
- A willingness to challenge and be challenged in a constructive way
- Attend a minimum of 3 of the quarterly Trustee Board meetings annually.
- Attend annual Chiva AGM in March
- Occasional additional support as needed and agreed.
- Attendance at key Chiva events such as campaign launches, World AIDS Day events / fundraising events.
- In total approximately 6-10 days per year commitment required.
This is a voluntary position. Reasonable out of pocket expenses to attend meetings etc are covered by Chiva.
Chiva is currently seeking a Treasurer to join the Trustee board. Please see further details on Treasurer role.
- Three years – with the opportunity for re- appointment
Application process:
Please email a CV and covering letter to the Chair of Chiva board, Dr Amanda Williams: [email protected] and [email protected] Chiva CEO.
For a discussion about Chiva and our work more generally please contact: Amanda Ely Chiva CEO on 07484 830329
Deadline to apply: 14th February 2022