16th Annual Chiva Conference Posters Submissions
1) BREATHER Plus and LATA, two randomised, open-label, non-inferiority clinical trials, evaluating treatment optimisation in adolescents aged 12-19 years of age living with HIV-1-infection in Sub Saharan Africa
2) Engagement in HIV care in young people with perinatal HIV: do quantitative research findings resonate with young people themselves?
3) Infant feeding decisions among women with vertically acquired HIV
4) “It’s all down to stigma really”:
Perspectives of young adults living with perinatally acquired HIV, their social network and healthcare professionals on barriers and facilitators to sharing an HIV status.
5) National Survey of Young People with Perinatal HIV, Looked after, adopted, or in care (LAAC)
6) Predictors of Engagement in HIV care for young people with perinatal HIV in England