Chiva conference 2023
Our 17th annual conference, Growing up, growing older and living well with HIV, will take place on Friday 17 March 2023.
The day will cover a range of vital updates from around the sector, with subjects covering the lifespan of what it means to grow up with HIV, from achieving U=U in vertical transmission, key new studies around infant feeding, the work of youth peer mentors in clinics, and ageing with HIV, among other issues and innovations.
The conference will be held at Woburn House, 20-24 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HQ (please note the change of venue from previous years), with the option also to join online.
Registration has now closed
Registration fees
Chiva professional members are eligible for a discounted rate.
- Member Consultants: £45
- Member Health and Social Care Professionals: £25
- Non-Member Consultants: £60
- Non-Member Health and Social Care Professionals: £40
- Corporate/ Industry Professionals: £120
To qualify for a discount, purchase a professional membership here.
Student places
Chiva is offering 10 free places to medical, nursing or social care students, which will be allocated via an application process.
Send 200 words outlining how attending Chiva conference would benefit you in your professional training and future career to [email protected]
Community Organisations: Please get in touch on [email protected] to discuss conference registration.
Abstract submissions have now closed.
We’d like to thank Gilead Sciences and ViiV Healthcare Ltd for providing sponsorship towards the venue, catering and stand space costs of this event. They have not had any input into or influence over the agenda, content or selection of speakers.