Supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young adults living with HIV

Supporting the health and wellbeing of children and young adults living with HIV

Tools to support good practice

Find below a list of tools and resources on a range of topics which aim to support good practice in various settings with children, young people and young adults living with HIV. These include supporting conversations around HIV and enhancing knowledge. They have been produced by Chiva and partner organisations. Many have been created in direct consultation with young people who live with HIV.

Email [email protected] if there are any resources you would like to see included here.

Baseline Investigations and Monitoring

Testing and Prevention

Unwell Child with HIV

HIV medications and adherence

Antiretroviral / HIV Drug Dosing for Children and Adolescents 2022-23 – Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Talking to children about HIV

Talking about HIV in the family

HIV Stigma

Sexual and reproductive health

Transition to adult HIV care

Checklists and Proformas

Chiva Audits

Patient engagement

Mental Health

Guidance for Schools

Metabolic Toolkit

Further resources: