Freedom 2 Be is an annual summer support camp for 11–17-year-olds growing up with HIV in the UK and Ireland. 

It’s a chance to share with peers in an inclusive and welcoming space, learn more about HIV and join an action-packed week of workshops and activities, from adventure sports to creative arts to yoga and wellbeing.  

This year, we held camp from Tuesday 1– Saturday 5 August in Derbyshire, and had 79 young people attend.

Feedback from one parent on their child’s experience:

“Meeting others was an incredibly powerful and uplifting experience. Connecting with peers who understand his journey and challenges brought a sense of belonging and camaraderie that he has never experienced before.”

See the below blog post to learn more about Camp 2023:

Watch the below video to see what happened at F2B camp 2022 and the impact it had.